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What the newspapers say: February 10, 2011

All newspapers on Thursday read about the latest indictment of the chief of national customs, Radu Margineanu in a scandal that starts to have political connections as well. After the President’s tough reaction to the protection of PDL deputy Dan Pasat from anti-graft prosecutors, Democratic Liberals call for their colleagues’ resignation. Also in politics today, Foreign Affairs minister Baconschi has plans to receive a position in the Democratic Liberal Party leadership.

All newspapers on Thursday read that the customs scandal might have a political colour as well since anti-graft prosecutors claim that the bribe in the Halmeu customs file where three persons were arrested was asked in the name and for a political party. The bribe requested was 430,000 euro making it clear that new positions are offered on political criteria and not based on competences.

Gandul reads that in the same file chief of national customs Radu Marginean was indicted accused of bribe taking. He refused to make any declarations in front of prosecutors. Apparently a part of the money got to him so that Nicoleta Dobrescu could remain chief of the Halmeu customs.

Romania libera reads that Nicoleta Dobrescu, accused of paying 130,000 euro to be named chief of the Halmeu customs has taken the money from shadow lenders. The newspaper reads that even though prosecutors do not name the party, it is easy to figure it out. The first payment of 130,000 euro was made in September 2009 when PDL governed together with PSD. In October 2009 Dan Nica was replaced by Vasile Blaga at the Interior ministry.

The second money installment was requested in February 2010 when the Democratic Liberals were governing.

Democratic Liberals demand their colleague, Dan Pasat to resign from the Parliament in order to offer anti-graft prosecutors the chance to investigate him and threaten to exclude him from the party if he refuses, Evenimentul Zilei reads. Their decision follows the tough reaction of the President at the vote that protected Pasat from anti-graft prosecutors.

If several members of the party did not see that much in Basescu’s irritation, Tourism and Development minister Elena Udrea said the party cannot afford to distance itself from the President. She said that the party has a duty to take seriously the President’s signal and make some changes.

Romania libera reads in an interview with Romania’s Foreign Affairs minister Teodor Baconschi about his plans to become first Vice President of the Democratic Liberal Party. Baconschi supports Monica Macovei’s integrity principles but not in their maximalist form. Moreover, Baconschi said his election as first VP of the party would be a clear sign of the party’s renewal.

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