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What the newspapers say: January 8, 2009

One newspaper on Friday reads about a possible agreement between Romania and Syria to expel Omar Hayssam, condemned in Romania for terrorism. Elsewhere in the news, the crisis compelled politicians to seek solutions to increase state revenues. Personal interests block a public investment worth 5.6 million euro in the Danube Delta. Of 194 countries, Romania is ranked 53 in a best living conditions top but is ranked last in the EU.

Cotidianul reads that according to sources, Omar Hayssam, Syrian businessman condemned for terrorism will be brought in Romania shortly. After three years, the Justice ministry finished the expel treaty with Syria. Authorities plan that based on the document, the Syrian will be brought in Romania to finish his 20 years confinement.

The agreement between the two countries has an important economic content negotiated in 2008 when official Romanian delegation visited Syria. Hayssam was arrested in Syria two years ago and is monitored by the state.

On the political scene, the draft 2010 budget seems to get politicians at their wits end: due to the crisis, they are compelled to seek solutions to increase state revenues. Gandul reads that the government works at four taxes: while some have been sketched others are just proposals. Here are the four fiscal obligations announced by various officials.

Tax on wealth: Finance minister Sebastian Vladescu talked on Thursday about the possibility of such a new tax, in to crease state revenues. The fat tax on hamburgers, juices and sweets: the proposal was made by Health minister Attila Cseke, this year. With the money Cseke said that the ministry will improve the health system. However, representatives of the private industry declared that the whole food market is worth less than 10 million euro and to get 1 billion euro, as the ministry announced, the tax should be 10% of the business profits of each company.

The tax on carbon dioxide: last year, Economy State Secretary Tudor Serban came up with this proposal: each citizen will have to pay for driving a car or heating their house with gas or coal.

Tax on porn magazines, lighters, GPS and cell phones: former Finance minister Gheorghe Pogea wanted to introduce that tax. The proposal was found in a set of working documents with measures that the ministry had to amend the Fiscal Code.

Romania libera reads that a local Democrat Liberal politicians blocks a public investment worth 5.6 million euro in the Danube Delta. Tourism minister Elena Udrea set up a tourist port with public money on the terrain offered to Democrat Liberal Doru Cladiade.

In September, last year, the first tourist port in the Danube Delta was enacted. At the time, Tourism minister Udrea declared that the project is part of a larger plan to develop tourism in the seaside resorts and the Danube Delta.

However, the investment has every chance to remain a plan because local politician Doru Cladiade took 100 meters of that terrain from the former mayor in his concession. In this case, authorities cannot invest on a terrain that is held by someone else in concession.

Even though authorities in Bucharest urged local leaders to end the contract, it’s been four months and the contract still exists.

Elsewhere in the news, of 194 countries, Romania was ranked 53 in a best living conditions top but it was ranked last in the EU, Romania libera reads. France was ranked first, just like last year, in the top. Most recommended countries: France, Australia, and Switzerland.

The criteria used to evaluate each country are: living costs, free time and culture, economy, environment, freedom, health, infrastructure, security and weather conditions.