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What the newspapers say: June 24, 2011

Most members of the Superior Council of Magistracy accused their President, Horatiu Dumbrava of abusing his position when he sent a document to the Constitutional Court without consulting the Council. Nine paintings of the famous Romanian painter Alexandra Nechita were sold in Bucharest for charity purposes. Two Romanians naturalized in Finland returned to Romania to join a theater show. In Bucharest, authorities organize three farmers’ markets this weekend.

Romania libera reads about the accusations brought to the Superior Council of Magistracy President, Horatiu Dumbrava of political games. Most members of the council accused their president that he abused his position when he sent to the Constitutional Court a document that was not discussed in the Council and that was the basis for which the Court rejected some articles from the project revising the Constitution.

The Constitutional Court admitted the complaint submitted by Dumbrava, who considered unconstitutional the articles through which illegally acquired wealth could be confiscated, Parliamentarians and ministers who committed felonies could be arrested and judges could not decide the fiscal and budgetary policy of the executive.

This scandal now sheds some doubt over how legal is the decision of the Constitutional Court that admitted the complaint and took up the views of a document that was not legally made. Dumbrava took responsibility for the document, admitting that he did not discuss it in the council.

Nine paintings of the famous Romanian painter, also known as Little Picasso and four pertaining to Pablo Picasso were auctioned in Bucharest for charity. The foundation Nadia Comaneci who organized the charity auction gathered, in the end around 30,000 euro. Minime Gymnastics is a non competition program addressed to children up to 12 years old.

The sports programs in the new space in Bucharest are developed by Nadia.

Romania libera reads about the Romanian artists, naturalized in Finland who have recently returned to Romania to join Theater Andrei Muresanu of Sfantu Gheorghe, central Romania and their tour to promote a new piece. The two presented a unique show, Finnphonia no. 5, a strange symphony on Finnish texts directed by David Kozma and on the music of Romulus Chiciuc.

Evenimentul Zilei invites those in Bucharest, in search of products from the producers to join the three farmers’ markets this weekend. One will be organized downtown Bucharest, at Unirea the other next to the Architecture University in Universitatii Square and the last one on Omului street, in Damaroaia neighborhood. The markets are open on Saturday from 7 AM to 8 PM and on Sunday from 7 AM to 4 PM.

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