PM Emil Boc attends a debate on Romania's economic situation: the toughest moments are yet to come and the following months are decisive
PM Boc attends on Monday a political debate on the current evolution of Romania’s social and economic situation, organized by the Chamber of Deputies at the request of the Liberal Party.
The main declarations:
- the debate seems to have been based on solutions and proposals, I assisted to enough political demagogy
- I cannot not ask former PM Tariceanu why he did not call for some answers during his time
- Tariceanu now urges the government to pay for the same level of pensions and salaries as in 2008 but he forgets that the whole world is in crisis
- the previous government did not take advantage of Romania’s benefits from the EU
- The toughest period is yet to come and the next months will be decisive to consolidate reforms started
- I assure you that any party at the government would have been compelled to take the measures we did
- Romania will not exit the recession with populist measures and will not be able to enjoy economic increase
- this is not 2008 and everybody can feel it
- Loans are not offered so easily and the country needs to be credible to get a credit
- We cannot live with deficits
- we are making efforts to release as many resources for investments
- Ten measures that we considered to counter the crisis: maintain taxes to 16%, no taxes for reinvested profit, companies that hire unemployed do not pay unemployment contributions, the First House programs – allowing young people to access houses through advantageous credits, supporting small and medium sized enterprises, maintain the VAT to 5% for houses with a social character
- We tried to maintain a balanced euro-leu exchange rate
- 2011 budget: a 4.4% deficit, an increase of 1.5-2% and resources for finances
the reform of the pensions system
- the country can only pay based on its resources available
- we contribute with 31.3 and we pay 39.9
- in 2011 we need 3 billion euro to sustain pensions as stipulated in the current law
- if a new version is passed, we will need 5 billion euro
budgetary reform
- we found there were too many employed, we found luxury salaries
- we had to promote a law to balance things
- the 2011 budget starts from the estimate of a maximum number of budgetary personnel of 1,290,000 and a budgetary mass of 39 billion lei
the social assistance reform
- a 5% of GDP level for social assitance is too much
- we plan to protect the vulnerale, but to those who are really in need
- we need to encourage labor, social assitance will target those social groups in real need
- health system
- the introduction of the co-payments will represent a supplementary source for the system
- in Romania, about 11 million people do not contribute to the health system
- we will rethink the system
- we will support young people who initiate a business
- starting 2011 people will be able to pay taxes online throughout the country
- the government knows what it has to do