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Businessmen Cornel Penescu and Liviu Facaleata were retained again

Businessman Cornel Penescu, owner of FC Arges football club was retained on Monday morning for 24 hours, for bribe offering in a new corruption case, Romania news agency Agerpres informs. He will spend the next 24 hours in the arrest of the Arges Police.

The Arges court remitted a temporary arrest warrant for 29 days on the name of Marius Martis and Ionica Serea, retained for corruption acts in a file involving businessman Cornel Penescu.

Serea is accused by anti graft prosecutors for receiving bribe worth 21000 dollars from Penescu favoring his football club in a match against Steaua Bucuresti. The action was coordinated by Marius Martis. The money were delivered by Penescu’s friend, Liviu Facaleata.

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