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Romanian official: Romania lost the Mercedes investment but we could attract their suppliers to invest

Romania could attract the producers that supply the Mercedes factory in Hungary with automobile components due to cheap labor force and low logistics spending, Romania’s Foreign Investment Agency chief Sorin Vasilescu declared in an automobile conference organized by a local newspaper.

He added that even though Romania lost Mercedes’ Eastern Europe investment, it could still have important chances to attract other small investors. He declared that Romania will count on the snowball effect: if one of them decides to invest in a new factory here, others might follow.

Vasilescu added that suppliers interested to produce for Mercedes will not focus only on Mercedes but will be interested in others as well and investments will necessarily be located in the West where Romania’s facing a high labor force deficit.

Thus, he said that the association receives weekly demands from companies interested to produce new automobile components and added that the international economic troubles did not diminish Romania’s potential or attractiveness for possible investors in the sector.