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House of Deputies speaker: „Taubman got his ambassador mandate through corruption”

In an unprecedented outburst, the speaker in the House of Deputies, Bogdan Olteanu, claimed that US ambassador Nicholas Taubman obtained his diplomatic statute through actions assimilated to corruption and demanded the US official to respect his official diplomacy statute.

Taubman earlier criticized the Parliament’s amendments to the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law. The Liberal leader in the House of Deputies, Crin Antonescu, immediately announced that Olteanu spoke in his own name and don’t represent the party’s point of view.

„As an American citizen and official, mister Taubman has all the right to express his opinion on US laws. I invite him to tell how the American legislation during the respects the fundamental rights for the past few years”, said Olteanu for

The speaker also says that „as for the Romanian legislation, I think that Mr. Taubman should stay within the boundaries of a diplomat’s mandate, regardless the way he obtained this mandate”.

In a later statement for Realitatea TV, Bogdan Olteanu appreciated that Taubman obtained his diplomatic mission mandate in a way that may be considered as „corruption” in Romania, namely by contributing through donations to George W. Bush’s campaign.