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First PM nominee, Theodor Stolojan, explains his quitting: The presidents of the two parties must be in charge, so that the decision making process could be coherent, efficient and responsible

Theodor Stolojan explains for the first time the reasons for quitting the Prime Minister office he was offered after the parliamentarian elections at the end of November. „The solution was obvious. I submitted my mandate so that the Democrat Liberal Party president could receive it”, said Stolojan.

In a letter published by, Stolojan denies that his resignation may have had anything to do with pressures from the Romania president, Traian Basescu, a pre-made scenario or with any illness he may suffer from.

Stolojan emphasizes that his gesture comes in a time when the reform of the Constitution, the state and of the political regime became obligatory, the new Parliamentarian majority being able to ensure this change.

Accusing the uninominal system for the failure of forming a Liberal-centered Cabinet, Stolojan admits that the Liberal Party’s claim to have former PM Tariceanu as inheritor of the office was one of the main issues in the breakdown of negotiations between Liberals and Democrat Liberals.

The alliance with Social Democrats, Stolojan says, may have been a fine opportunity to run the necessary reforms. Still, the negotiations between the two parties led Stolojan to conclude that the future governance will have a pyramid-like structure, following the interior structure of the two parties, therefore the presidents of the two allied parties should hold the two most important positions – head of the Government and Senate speaker. This way, decisions would be taken and applied much faster, and the system would be more efficient and coherent, Stolojan explains.