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French Interior minister: in Paris, 1 of 5 thefts are authored by Romanians

French Interior minister, Brice Hortefeux declared on Monday that one of five thefts in Paris are authored by Romanians, in an attempt to motivate the measures taken by French authorities, AFP informs. According to Hortefeux, one of four thefts authored by under age are Romanians.

Hortefeux declared that in te last 18 months, the rate of criminality of Romanians in Paris increased by 259% and many of the Romanians in Paris are gypsies. Sarkozy’s government deported on Thursday 283 Romanian gypsies which lead to a total of 8,313 Romanian and Bulgarian gypsies expelled so far compared to 7875 in 2009.

France started to expel gypsies living in illegal camps across the state. 412 Rromanian citizens will be sent from France with six flights, scheduled for August 19 to September 16.