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Italian agriculture needs Romanian workforce

Agriculture in Italy has a consistent need of Romanian workforce, according to Coldiretti, the most important farmers’ organization in Italy and one of the most important in Europe.

Coldiretti has announced it would help citizens from the two new members of the EU, Romania and Bulgaria, in bureaucratic procedures prior to their employment and would open special consultancy offices for Romanian citizens starting with Molise, one of the Italian areas in most need of Romanian workers.

Coldiretti has welcomed a decision of the Italian government to allow the free entry of Romanian citizens as workers in Italian agriculture. “It is a historical moment that offers new possibilities of development for the Molise agriculture”, a press release says.

The organization is formed of 18 regional federations, 98 provincial federations and has 765 area offices and about 10,000 periferal offices across the country, reprsenting some 52% of the total number of societies of the Italian Chamber of Commerce.