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Only 300 people to travel from Romania to South Africa

Approximately 300 Romanians will travel to South Africa to see teams competing for the World Football Coup, Romanian news agency Mediafax informs. The economic crisis and the fact that the Romanian team failed to qualify have led to a reduce number of people that will travel from Romania to South Africa to see the final tour live. The minimum price for a return flight, housing and a ticket is 2,500 euros.

„There are fewer tourists than we expected because the fees are high. Plus, Romania is not taking part in this championship. Only the transport to South Africa costs 1,200 euros. If the national team would have qualified, we would have probably had over 2,000 tourists”, Tourism Agencies National Association president Corina Martin told Mediafax.

„We gave away 50 event visas for the world cup, but there are also other persons who bought tourism visas and who bought tickets to South Africa from FIFA or from tourism agencies. We expect the number of visas to go up the following days”, South Africa ambassador to Romania Pieter Andries told Mediafax.

It is worth mentioning is the fact that a touristic package for the World Coup final can get as high as 12,000 euros if one chooses a five or four-star hotel.

The World Football Coup will take place from June 11 to July 11.