Over 2,000 people evacuated in East Romania in the face of floods
Residents of the town of Saucesti from Bacau (East Romania) have been evacuated on Friday morning, in the face of floods to be brought by river Siret, whose increasing debit threatens people’s lives and households.
Around 2,100 persons were embarked in trucks and taken to a safer place, namely in the Bacu colleges’ halls, where they are to receive food and water, Mihai Simionescu from ISU Bacau told news channels.
Hundreds of locals from neighbouring villages have been evacuated on Thursday night, when River Siret’s debit reached 3,000 cube meters per second.
Several regions around main rivers were issued a red code for floods, which is to expire this afternoon. According to hydrologists, certain sectors around rivers Siret, Olt, Prut and the Danube are exposed, especially the Lespezi-Dragesti region along the Siret, including Iasi, Neamt and Bacau, and the Sendeni-Danube sector, where Galati county is likely to see floods.
Romanian Institute of Hydrology manager Petre Stanciu explained that the peak in Saucesti was to be expected around 9 or 10 o’clock in the morning. Siret is expected to slightly decrease its debit afterwards.