President Traian Basescu: I promulgated the law on measures to accelerate trials
President Traian Basescu sustains a press conference at Cotroceni on the law he promulgated, on measures to accelerate trials. Follow in the article the President’s most important declarations.
Here are the President’s most important declarations
- the law is just as important as the civil and penal codes that will enter into force later on, towards the end of the year
- the law answers to the need of Romanians for trials to be judged faster and better
- novelty issues: the number of persons who can appeal to a law is expanded: the people’s lawyer can appeal, or the higher court of justice; a specialized committee is set up so that apeals are judged faster and better
- to judge the appeals, a new position is created, that of the delegated judge who sets up a report that is presented to the committee
- judges can rule on any trial that involves payments up to 2,000 lei so that we can avoid the higher court to judge small fines cases
- lawyers can no longer move the trial to any court across the country to stall time – the new law regulates when, how and where can trials be moved to other courts
- judges need to set short terms, no more long terms
- people cannot ask for delays in trial if they change their lawyer – there were many who changed 20 lawyers to stall time
- the new law rules that mediation must be seeked, in commercial trials and divorce trials
- the law rules that people can divorce without a trial, at the notary – the notary can validate the trial, with the sharing of goods and responsibilities as the parties understood each other
- the higher court will not have 9 judges as before, but it will have two committees of 5 judges each
- some modifications brough to the penal code are very important: the requests for temporary release will be judged by a specialized judge
- the law recognizes new experts in criminal expertize who can be licensed by the Justice ministry