Romania's insurance market grew by 22.3% up to over 4.42 billion Romanian Ron
- Redactia Hotnews
The registered value of the gross bonuses in the first six months of this year exceeded 4.42 billion Romanian Ron, a 22.32% increase as compared to the same period in 2007, according to the preliminary data published by Romania’s Insurance Supervising Committee.
During the mentioned period, the volume of the registered gross bonuses for general insurance exceeded 3.5 billion Romanian Ron, a 21.7% increase as compared to the similar period in 2007. Moreover, the value of the bonuses for life insurance amounts to almost 850 million Romanian Ron, a 24.9% increase as compared to the similar period, last year.
At the end of the first semester of the year, some 8.76 million general insurance contracts were enforced as well as over 7,87 million life insurances. On regions, most contracts were registered in Bucharest – 46.51% – and the fewest contracts were in South West with 5.20%.