Russian investors find Romanian and Bulgarian real estate markets attractive
- Redactia Hotnews
Balkan countries seem an attractive business environment for Russian investors, Russian daily informs, quoting an interview with Yuri Kosov, a North West Academy professor. Kosov declares that Russian investors are not only interested in Slovenia and Hungary for their low prices but their interested also in countries like Bulgaria and Romania.
Russians class the two countries as transition ones where prices are lower than anywhere in the region. Kosov declared that the two countries will not be able to enter the euro zone even if developments will be felt. Moreover, he added that economic freedom is expected in the two countries with real estate prices constantly growing.
Kosov declared that the Romanian market was more reluctant to foreigners than Bulgaria is since Bulgaria always knew how to attract foreign partners and investors. It was widely known, he added, that the Communist leaders of the two countries had different approaches when it came to foreigners: if Ceausescu closed up Romania’s borders, the Bulgarian leader Todor Jivko did the opposite.