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The European Parliament votes on Thursday two resolution proposals regarding the situation of gypsies in Europe

The problem of the repatriation of gypsies is a hot subject at Strasbourg. On Thursday, the European Parliament votes two resolution proposals regarding the situation of gypsies in Europe. On Tuesday, MEPs criticized the decision of France to expel gypsies and concluded that the measure is unacceptable, discriminatory and contradicts the freedom of movement principle.

In a common resolution, four of the main political groups in the European Parliament – the Socialists, the Liberals, Greens and Commuists – demand French authorities to suspend the expulsion of gypsies.

The second resolution project is signed by the main political group in the European Parliament, the Conservatives. The document does not refer to France per se but mentions the need of a powerful action at the level of the EU to integrate the Rroma.

Moreover, the project underlined that this situation must not affect Romania and Bulgaria’s plans to join Schengen and the expulsion of EU citizens must be made on an individual basis, based on judgement.

The only representative of the Rroma community in the European Parliament, Livia Jaroka urged that this issue should be free of any political scope.