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The national vaccination campaign against AH1N1 starts on December 1

Cantacuzino Institute reported to the Coordination and action against AH1N1 flu committee within the Health Ministry the details of the local production of the anti-swine flu vaccine. According to it, Romania will start vaccinating against the virus in the first day of December, a Health Ministry communiqué shows on Wednesday.

The Institute will be able to produce about 5 million doses and will increase its production to one million and a half doses per months from 2010, according to the quoted source.

The Committee for coordination and action within the Health Ministry met on Wednesday to decide on further action in order to prevent the spread of the swine flu. The Committee decided in favour of additional monitoring, prevention and reaction procedures in the case of the flu outbreak in educational institutions. The procedures will be finalised on Thursday, September 10, and will be approved by the Health Ministry.

The committee also decided on who would have priority to be vaccinated. The most exposed categories are the medical staff, the essential services staff, children attending education and pregnant women.