UPDATE Diaconescu declared after the hearings that he did not offer any declarations to prosecutors/ Dan Diaconescu, recalled by anti-graft prosecutors for hearings: they are trying to block my candidature for the Presidential elections, Diaconescu said
Romanian TV star and owner of OTV channel Dan Diaconescu was recalled by anti-graft prosecutors on Friday for hearings in a new blackmail case. This is a new episode of the state against Dan Diaconescu case, Diaconescu said. If his television spoke of corrupt mayors, it would be considered blackmail, he added, claiming that he could create a fiscal paradise out of Romania, Diaconescu said. The files against him were fabricated in an attempt to block his participation in the Presidential elections, he claimed.
Romanian investigators stormed OTV HQ and Dan Diaconescu’s home earlier this summer in a case in which he and other people working with OTV were suspected of blackmail. This week another raid on the headquarters took place. After the first raids, Diaconescu – who was held in custody for several days – said he would enter politics and run for president.
He speculated now that he would most probably be convicted to jail time until 2014, not to be able to run for President in the upcoming Presidential elections. It was for the first time that his parents didn’t advise me to sell the television and leave abroad, Diaconescu continued.
UPDATEDiaconescu declared after the hearings that he did not offer any declarations to prosecutors.