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What the newspapers say: January 19, 2007

All news today circle the scandal involving the entire political class. President Basescu, Prime Minister Tariceanu, even the former governing alliance members, the Conservatives, as well as the Opposition snowball the story on the „influence demand” Tariceanu sent to Basescu.

Tariceanu says he’s the one who was threatened, Conservatives say Basescu tried to influence its former Economy Minister, Codrut Seres, while the social democrat Opposition points as the scandal and assumes what’s left in the political credibility.

„Orange bloodbath” is the title in Evenimentul Zilei, describing the open war between presidency and government.

In short, Basescu says that Tariceanu asked him to influence the Prosecutor General in the case of oil magnate and high ranked Liberal Dinu Patriciu.

Tariceanu explains that the Prosecution abuses signaled by Patriciu were gathered in a file, sent to Basescu and it was normal to ask the president’s intervention, since he’s the one protecting the Constitution.

Since Basescu didn’t stop there, Tariceanu replied roughly, accusing the president of governing his own group of influence, while „Patriciu’s group of influence is the one giving jobs”.

Tariceanu nominated a construction businessman (Dorin Umbrarescu) who allegedly was sent to the Transport Minister Gheorghe Dobre, sent by Basescu „to be taken care of”.

PM Tariceanu continued, showing that Elena Udrea, former presidential counselor, aka „the Cotroceni blonde” was the involved of a mafia-like group dealing with Spain visas and transport for Romanian Workers.

The last accusation launched by Tariceanu, proven through a short message on his mobile phone (Gandul) is that the decision to change the managers in the State Patrimony Management Agency (RAAPPS) upset a „group of interests” so much that he was repeatedly threatened with a scandal similar to the one going on.

Meanwhile, Wall Street Journal reads that the scandal worries the European Union, having too many similarities with the Yukos case (Evenimentul Zilei, Gandul).

The cherry on top was the intervention of the Conservative president, Dan Voiculescu, who claimed that the same kind of demand, or even worse, was sent by president Basescu to the Economy Minister at the time, Codrut Seres.

The note allegedly sent by Basescu was about one of the aluminum companies in Romania, ALRO, held, like the rest of the aluminum companies, by Russians.

„Mr. minister Codrut Seres, please analyze the letter and take your actions according to the best interest of the Government and, if possible, in the best interest of the National Economy”. (Gandul)

Conservatives only shown the first page of the report, saying that the rest is about ALRO, „otherwise an honorable company”.

Still, same Gandul) found out about an Anti Corruption Prosecution Office report that points at the ALRO owners who, helped by a member of the recent „spies group” sent to court, used occult methods to consolidate their relationship with local decision-makers.

But enough about that. Returning to our usual bad news, the European magazine Cafebabel sees Romania as extremely corrupt, with pensions ridiculously small and bribe as a way of living, a kind of needed second wage, given the average income of 230 euros per month (Evenimentul Zilei).

Corrupt or not, the Romanian Justice managed (after many years) to convict the „always controversial – never proven guilty” businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu.

Suspect in the bankruptcy of the National Investment Fund (FNI), where hundreds of millions of euros vanished without a trace, Vantu was convicted for false statements, other accusations being already annulled due to prescription. The court decision is still open to appeal. More in Evenimentul Zilei.

The same paper also shows that Vantu’s television, Realitatea TV, won’t lose its license, although the law imposes it, simply because Vantu isn’t involved in any paperwork and it can’t be proven that it’s his station.

Another controversial real estate and football businessman, illiterate politician Gigi Becali, better known as „The Shepard” also wants to open a TV station „for Christian education”, same Evenimentul Zilei found out.

In its spare time, the country only goes from poor to poorer. The budget deficit is now 8.85 % (after the first 11 months of 2006), 44.8% (!) more year over year, Romania Libera reads.

Poor or not, Romanians spent 2 billion euros in 2006 for imported food (Gandul). The bad news is that the export of food or agriculture products was only 764.3 million euros, meaning that the budget deficit was influenced a great deal by mere hunger.

And, to make sure it would spend even more on nothing, the Government prepares to go to court against the EU for an absurd tax on the vehicles’ first registration. Maybe the Polish example yesterday will serve as a lesson: after losing against a natural person, the Polish government may see itself soon forced to return 555 million euros to those who paid the un-European tax.
