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What the newspapers say: November 28, 2007

President Basescu is enabled to approve any criminal investigation aimed at dignitaries and embers of the Government – this is the news that tours all headlines on Wednesday, after the Constitutional Court decided that a governmental ordinance dismantling the special anti-corruption presidential commission is not constitutional.

Instead of having a commission formed by judges, which should have replaced the former commission, named by himself, the president will approve alone the demands coming from anti-corruption prosecutors, when the investigations target officials.

„Basescu – free to reshuffle the Tariceanu cabinet”, Gandul reads, reminding that the Constitutional Court (CCR) also declared as anti-Constitutional several articles in the Minister Responsibility Law. According to the CCR decision, president Basescu may also decide to suspend two members of the Government, currently under investigation for corruption.

The second major event last night was the Steaua Bucharest – Slavia Prague football game, unfortunately the same game that meant the elimination of the last Romanian team still playing in European championships. „The best game Steaua played in a few months made the score turn in our favor in the 12th minute”, Gandul reads, but the Czech team recovered and ended the game 1:1.

In a series of articles opened on Wednesday, Jurnalul National will analyzed the situation of a bunch of localities declared by the law as cities, but which remain poor villages. The local authorities turned the small villages into towns in order to abide an European pre-accession clause on urban populace, but the only thing that truly changed is the name, not the infrastructure.

A Liberal founder and leader, Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, was involved in the bomb attacks against Radio Free Europe in the 80’s, the body studying the former political police archives, CNSAS, found out. Codenamed Laurentiu, Stolnici seems to be the one who provided the political police, Securitate, with the house map of the Radio Free Europe manager Vlad Georgescu, Cotidianul reads.