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26% more new cars registered in 2007

Over 288,000 new cars were registered on the Romanian market during the first 11 months of 2007, 26.2% more than the similar period in 2006, the European Auto Constructors Association informed. During the same period, Europe saw over 14.82 million new cars registered, 1.1% more, compared to 2006. The most significant growth was seen on the Romanian and Bulgarian market.

Higher growth rates were recorded in Lithuania (45.7%) and Latvia (32.9%). The Bulgarian new cars market grew 21.5%, up to 37,486 new cars registered during the first 11 m months of the year.

Dacia, the largest Romanian car producer, saw 157,122 new units registered in the same period, 23% more than the similar period in 2006, now holding 1.1% of the European market.

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