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What the newspapers say: March 29, 2010

Due to lack of money to the budget, the state can even block your salary for an unpaid fine, one newspaper reads on Monday. Elsewhere in the news, Senator Voicu contests the decision of the Senate to approve his arrest and tries to postpone it. In the same vein, the number of magistrates protesting against undeserved promotions in the Superior Council of Magistracy increased in two days from 30 to 300.

Daily, ten Romanians are hospitalized in Vienna as they flee from Romania’s poor hospital conditions and doctors. A group of Kurdish companies control the vegetable and fruit market in Romania, one newspaper claims.

Gandul reads in its Monday edition that the state, in its desperate attempt to add some money to the budget is ready to block one’s salary for an unpaid fine.

At a national level, the value of traffic fines, not cashed yet, amounts to about 100 million euro, not to talk about the local taxes unpaid in the last years.

Mayors in Romania realized that they have a way to increase their local revenues by cashing in unpaid taxes for properties, terrains or households. Another source of revenue is the traffic fine, prostitution fine and the fines in public transportation.

Among these, the biggest are the unpaid traffic fines: if the person urged to pay does not respect the deadline, the state can go as far as blocking his salary or take up his car or household. The source of revenue is considerable: last year, 4.7 million traffic fines were given worth a little over 200 million euro of which only half was paid.

In politics today, Senator Catalin Voicu, under investigation of anti graft prosecutors, contests the decision of the Parliament to approve his arrest in an attempt to postpone it, Gandul reads. The Senator requested yesterday to be heard in the Parliament this week on grounds that the decision of the Parliament is null.

Voicu claims that the Parliament did not respect one mandatory condition, namely to hear his declarations before a decision was submitted to vote. He now urges the Parliament to respect his fundamental and constitutional right.

The Senator said that he was unable to attend the meeting as he was hospitalized. In such conditions, Voicu wants to be heard in the Parliament. Senate’s speaker Mircea Geoana declared that his request will be considered on Tuesday by the Permanent Office to decide whether he is right or not – in the same day when the court is due to decide on the request of preventive arrest on his name.

In the same vein, Romania libera reads about the 300 magistrates protesting against the way promotions are made in the Superior Council of Magistracy. The unprecedented protest reveals that promotions within the Higher Court of Justice were made depending on interest groups not professional competencies.

Protesters claim that if promotions are not based on merit, corruption is shortly installed.

They offer as example judge Cristian Jipa, promoted in 2009 at the Higher Court of Justice even though during the exam he did not know the answers of the questions. Days after he was promoted, he appeared in Senator Catalin Voicu’s file, accused of traffic of influence, as resulted from Voicu’s telephone transcripts. Protesters accuse the Superior Court of Magistracy that they still let Jipa rule on cases to date, even though he is involved in a high corruption case.

Protesters say that they do not know the criteria on which the Superior Council of Magistracy promotes judges within the Higher Court as offer as example some of their colleagues who were competent but did not receive the promotion, in the detriment of others like Jipa.

Among other topics of interest in today’s press, Cotidianul reads that 10 Romanians are hospitalized daily in Vienna, as they flee the poor conditions in Romania. AKH hospital in Vienna is the third biggest hospital in the world and renowned. With over 9000 employees, 2,200 hospital beds and 51 surgery rooms, the recent investments totaled 80 million euro.

Costs for those hospitalize start from about 900 euro/ day excluding treatments, surgery and post surgery treatment. An operation can cost up to tens of thousands of euro but all Romanians quoted in the article declare satisfied of the humane conditions in Vienna where doctors treat patients with respect, care and empathy unlike their previous experiences with Romanian doctors.

Last but not least, Cotidianul claims that a Kurdish company controls the vegetable and fruit market in Romania. The Sahin group, in close connection with the government, avoid taxes and manage to gather about 100 million euro in evasion.

Even though it earns hundreds of millions of euro per year, the owner of the company does not appear in the first 300 or 500 richest Romanians top. Despite the fact that in terms of money, he is one of the richest.

But nobody says anything about the Sahin group. Even though they have millions of euro debt to the state, nobody comments and the explanation, Cotidianul reads, is simple: the state has every interest to close its eyes. Last year, Romania imported 156,000 tons of fresh vegetables and 200,000 tons of fruits. The vegetable and fruit market is estimated at over 1 billion euro.

The press signaled on many occasions that one of the beneficiaries of this sum are Yuksesk Sahin and Ecevit Pasa.