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What the newspapers say: February 19, 2010

One thing is for sure in tomorrow’s Social Democratic Congress: that the elections have a clear target, that is to eliminate Bucharest PSD leader Marian Vanghelie. Moldovan customs officers started to remove the barb wire at its border with Romania, one newspaper reads. Authorities allocate another 105 million euro for the Europa League finals in Bucharest in 2012. Romanian Edith Miklos, a step away from death at the Vancouver Olympics.

Evenimentul Zilei reads on Friday about the never ending struggle in the Social Democratic Party, now that the Congress is at the door. The newspaper reads that internal elections in the party do not have a favorite but they sure do have a target: to eliminate PSD Bucharest leader Marian Vanghelie.

A revolt wave was raised by Ion Iliescu, Adrian Nastase, Miron Mitrea and his supporters from Cluj. On this issue, the main candidates, Victor Ponta and Miron Mitrea, construct their arguments.

Most informal leaders in the party attempt to move away from Vanghelie and claim that he needs to go, as he is no longer suited for the party. Most arrangements made by various groups in the party for a candidate or another jumped in the air.

In this moment, nobody is sure that they will get to keep their positions in the party.

Romania libera reads about the Moldovan customs officers’ operation to remove the barb wire at the Romanian border. The barb wire was build on the Prut river in 1940 and about 80 km of it was still standing, as a reminder of the past.

Now, Moldovan authorities are planning to get some European funds to develop the border area. A part of the barb wire was removed in 1990, during the Perestroika period.

Gandul reads that Bucharest Mayor Oprescu assures that the stadium which will host the Europa League final at Bucharest will be ready by the end of the year. However, the only problem is the financial one: to finish the stadium, authorities need about 440 million lei from the City Hall and the Government.

The money last year were allocated from the city hall but in a year of crisis, the government should kick in, Oprescu said. Irrespective where the money will come, the stadium needs to be ready by the end of the year.

Cotidianul reads about the Romanian Edith Miklos, who was close to die at the Vancouver Olympics. In the sky competition, the Romanian had a violent fall and passed through three protection fences but the fast intervention of doctors was life saving.

She was transported at the closes hospital, even though it was not the hospital allocated for the athletes, due to her severe injuries. Other seven women had more or less violent falls in the competition.