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What the newspapers say: November 3, 2009

Most newspapers on Tuesday read about the new swine flu wave that hit Romania in the last couple of weeks causing schools to close and hospitals to enter in quarantine. Elsewhere in the news, Romanians investments in Bulgaria and Hungary, hit by the crisis. Last but not least, Romania’s skating champion, talks about the lack of proper training conditions in the country.

Most newspapers read about the new A/H1N1 virus and its effects in Romania: Cotidianul reads that the virus caused hospitals to enter into quarantine, schools to close and limit traffic across Ukrainian border.

Romania’s Health ministry sent 27 million lei to the affected medical facilities in the areas to buy masks and other needs.

Gandul reads that, across the country some 128 swine flu cases were registered in the last three days alone. Across Romania, the greatest number of cases were registered in Iasi, North Romania and Central East Romania in Prahova and Bucharest.

Authorities declared that the new wave of flu spread because it reached schools. In Bucharest, a school in district 6 was closed after a teacher and five students were hospitalized due to the flu.

Elsewhere in the news, Cotidianul reads about the investments Romanians made in Bulgarian and Hungarian real estates. The newspaper read that the interest of Romanians for properties in neighboring countries dropped dramatically since 2008.

A real estate administrator across border declared for the newspaper that houses would sell very well, due to their small prices. However, the interest decreased steadily. A house nearby the border would cost about 6,000 euro with 1000 sq meters terrain, three rooms, and all utilities. Nonetheless, prices started to double and Romanians lost their interest.

In Bulgaria, most houses bought by Romanians are apartments nearby summer resorts. A lot of Romanians tried to sell their summer houses when prices went down but they could not.

Gandul reads about Romania’s skating champion, 23 old Zoltan Kelemen and the improper conditions he is forced to train in. Kelemen’s story was covered a few weeks ago when he qualified for the Olympics but his story was since forgotten.

Zoltan says that his life did not change at all, and confesses that he leaves off a 500 lei per month stipend from the sports club. He says that his mother sends him money to be able to support himself.

He says that if training conditions were better, then his results will improve dramatically. Despite the lack of conditions and money, Zoltan says he is passionate about skating and will not quit.