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Petrom increases the prices for fuels with 6 bani per litre

Petrom company raised the prices for fuels on Monday. Both gasoline and diesel fuels cost now 6 bani more, according to the data supplied by the company. Petrom is controlled by the Austrian group OMV.

The Premium leadless gasoline can be now purchased with 3.61 lei/litre, and the Top Premium leadless 99+ costs 3.94 lei/litre. It pays 3.71 lei/litre for OMV Carrera 95 and 4.34 lei/litre for OMV Carrera 100.

As for diesel fuels, Top Euro Diesel 5 amounts to 3.49 lei/litre. One litre of Euro Diesel 5 is now sold with 3.36 lei. OMV Sprint Diesel costs 3.54 lei/litre, and OMV Premium Diesel costs 3.82 lei/litre.

Petrom raised the fuels’ reference prices as a consequence of the international oil products evolution, the company informs.

The previous increase in Petrom’s prices was in May 20, when the company raised the fuel costs with 6 bani/litre.