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UPDATE Democrat Liberals indicate their candidate, Sorin Apostu as winner in Cluj / Electoral Office confirms Apostu as mayor of Cluj

Partial elections for local public authorities ended registering a lower turnout compared to the June 1, 2008 local elections. According to preliminary data released by Democrat Liberals, voters in Cluj Napoca, Central Romania, seemed to have preferred Sorin Apostu as new mayor. UPDATE: The Electoral Office confirms Apostu as the new mayor of Cluj with 60.48% of the votes.

Democrat Liberals said that Apostu received 63% of the votes while the Liberal candidate, Marius Nicoara only 22%. The Liberal Party reported 60% for the Democrat Liberal and 25% for their own.

UPDATE: The Electoral Office confirmed Apostu as the new mayor of Cluj with 60.48% of the expressed votes, followed by Liberal candidate Nicoara and Social Democrat Teodor Pop Puscas.

Electoral turnout

In Cluj Napoca, voter turnout registered 29.94%, a 11% decrease than the local June 1, 2008 elections when voter turnout was 41.39%. The official results of these elections will be announced on Monday. There were no exit polls available. However, during the night, all political parties were to conduct a parallel count of the votes.