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EBRD advises Romania to attract foreign investments

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) recommends Romanian authorities to continue fighting against corruption and implement coherent economic policies in order to attract foreign investments.

EBRD proposes a two years – strategy aimed at ensuring a real economic growth. Specialists suggested that Romania should strengthen its capacity of attracting green-field investors by improving the business environment and the work force quality in terms of competitiveness and training.

EBRD appreciated the investments growth in Romania as linked to authorities’ policies of reducing the state intervention into economy.

However, the economic growth recorded lately will drop in the view of Romania’s accession to the EU, and due to a change of the factors that pushed the economy. The investments lost ground and the economic growth relied mostly on the consume. Additionally, Bucharest chose policies that favored an increase of the current account deficit.

EBRD announced plans to grant funds for infrastructure, energy, finance – banking and for encouraging investors’ projects.