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President Basescu remainsmost trusted politician, poll says

Romanian President Traian Basescu makes a good impression on 63% of Romanians, while the political alliance of Liberals and Democrats that he led in the 2004 elections is trusted by only 42% of the population, according to a latest poll by the CURS research center.

Traian Basescu is followed by Social Democratic leader Mircea Geoana as the second most popular politician, while the prime minister, Liberal Calin Popescu Tariceanu, comes third according to the poll.

Some 64% of Romanians believe Basescu when when he says politicians are influenced by dubious pressure groups.

Church remains the most trusted institution (86%), followed by the Army (60%) and the media (58%). The Government (24%) and Parliament (15%) are among the least trusted institutions.

Less than half of the population – 44% – believe Romania will join the EU on January 1, 2007, while 13% say it would happen in 2008.

The poll also asked Romanians about their positions on the Danish cartoons that have led to huge protests across the Muslim world. Over 60% of them believe the cartoons should not have been published while 19% argued that freedom of speech must be respected.