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What the media say: March 9, 2006

A picture of businessman Dinu Patriciu while shopping with sentenced businessman of Arab descent Omar Hayssam makes waves in Romanian media today. So does an invitation from House speaker Adrian Nastase that prosecutors drop by his house but only announced and with all their questions sent in advance.

And when some newspapers analyze the hands that run the Lottery engine, one weekly analyzes the engine that make the Romanian economy run.

The Antena 3 TV station showed a picture yesterday depicting Dinu Patriciu, head of the Rompetrol oil group and currently at war with Romanian President Traian Basescu and the Justice over organized crime charges brought against him.

Dinu Patriciu is accompanied by Omar Hayssam, a businessman who used to have strong ties with the former Social Democratic governments, but who was sentenced to prison last year following his involvement in the kidnapping of three Romanian journalists in Iraq. The picture is taken in Sudan in 2001.

Dinu Patriciu admitted he was in Sudan five years ago to an negotiate oil deal and that he met Hayssam twice there. But he dismissed the picture as a fake saying he did not meet Hayssam in an old book store, as shown in the picture.

Evenimentul Zilei notes that a year later, while all parties said they abandoned the deal, Rompetrol continued to test the ground in Sudan.

The media also consolidates another big front today – the one related to the cat-and-mouse game between House speaker Adrian Nastase and anti-graft prosecutors. Newspapers comment on Nastase’s invitation yesterday that prosecutors visit his house and check all they want about it, but not before announcing him about their intentions.

The invitation comes as he managed to garner the support of the Parliament in rejecting a house search request submitted earlier to Parliament.

„Nastase mocks at the Romanian justice all the way”, Romania libera comments, while Cotidianul considers „Nastase wants to run the inquiry against Nastase”.

And Gandul quotes Social Democratic deputy Dan Iosif as saying that prosecutors wanted to search Nastase’s house hoping to hind ancient objects belonging to the Dacian civilizations – the precursors of Romanians.

Meanwhile, Cotidianul pursues its investigations on the Romanian Lottery, whose head is allegedly involved in acts of corruption and is fiercely attacked for his huge earnings over the year.

The newspaper writes that the Lottery has been audited for three years by a company, Omniaudit Consulting SRL, belonging to ex-Finance minister Florin Georgescu.

That is, the very man who named Lottery head Nicolae Cristea to the post in 1993.

Romanian economic weekly Capital pays less attention to what does not work in Romania and looks at what works. IT analyzes the ten most dynamic economic sectors in Romania, which circulated some 67 billion euro last year.

These are the banking services, leasing operations, consumer goods trade, electronic and home appliances trade, pharmaceutical trade, franchises, IT&C, construction works, road transports and car sales.