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Report: Economic prospects for Romania good, but not that good in 2006

Romania will record a reasonable economic growth in 2006, with a 4.6% GDP boost and a lower account deficit, while the slowing economic pace and less productivity are the main source of concern, a new report says.

The report, produced by the non-governmental organization Romanian Academic Society (SAR), notes that the pace of economic growth would stay at a reasonable level this year, compared to 2005 but lower than 2004. It is „over the EU average, but lower than the pace of growth in new member countries”, says SAR expert Lucian Albu.

Inflation rate will rise to 7.1%, above the National Bank forecast, the document predicts, saying that official estimates are too ambitious.

And the RON/EURO exchange rate will stay at 3,48 RON/Euro by the end of the year, SAR believes, recommending people to bet on the Romanian currency for savings and investments.