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PSD official joins queue at anti-graft inquiries

Prosecutors of the National Anti-Corruption Department (DNA) are verifying information on a possible direct involvement of Bucharest District 5 mayor Marian Vanghelie in a local infrastructure project.

Vanghelie, a member of the opposition Social Democrats (PSD), was one of the most vocal group members against party leader Adrian Nastase whom he accused of tainting the image of the party with his involvement in alleged acts of corruption.

The local mayor is checked for his possible role in the repartition and execution of construction and modernization works at a school in Bucharest District 5. He is yet to be placed under criminal investigation.

Vanghelie was targeted by anti-graft prosecutors in 2004 as well, for his role in the establishment of a low-cost retail chain, the organization of a public New Years Eve party in 2003 and the privatization of a store in downtown Bucharest.