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Liberal deputy Bogdan Olteanu voted House speaker

The Liberal deputy Bogan Olteanu was voted speaker of the House of Deputies with 196 votes on Monday, taking a post previously held by Social-Democratic leader Adrian Nastase. Former minister for the relation with the Parliament, Olteanu (34) is amongst the youngest parliamentarians.

The Social-Democratic candidate Valer Dorneanu received 88 votes whereas the Coservative Daniela Popa got only 22.

The newly-named speaker of the House promised that the media access to the House workings will not be restricted in any way.

The three Romanian politicians faced each other Monday to take the seat as speaker of the House of Deputies, a post previously held by Social-Democratic leader Adrian Nastase.

The governing D.A. Alliance has proposed Liberal Bogdan Olteanu for the post. Olteanu resigned as minister for the relations with the Parliament over the weekend in order to run for the top position in the House.

Although a member of the larger governing coalition, The Conservative Party (PC) also made a nomination – deputy Daniela Popa, and resisted D.A. pressure over the weekend to support Olteanu in today’s vote in the House.

With a member of the governing coalition appointing its own nominee for the position, Olteanu’s victory was secured with the support of the opposition Great Romania Party.

The opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) appointed parliamentarian Valer Dorneanu for the same seat.

Ex-PM Adrian Nastase, a representative of the PSD, resigned as House speaker last week following party pressure to leave all official positions due to the huge public criticism against him for alleged acts of corruption.

He was named House speaker in the wake of the 2004 general elections with the support of the Conservative Party, which entered Parliament on PSD electoral lists. PC eventually left the alliance with the PSD and joined the D.A. Alliance and the Hungarian Democrats to form the current government.