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What the newspapers say: October 2, 2007

Newspapers on Tuesday read about the possibility that the long-awaited censure motion against the Liberal government might not pass in Parliament.

Another newspaper reads about dozens of Italian hunters breaking the Danube Delta’s environment authorization with the consent of local authorities.

More in the news, EU released the Euro Health Consumer Index revealing Romania’s poor performance in the health sector.

Evenimentul Zilei reads about the censure motion submitted by the main Opposition party, the Social Democrats against the current Liberal government in Parliament last week.

Leaders within the Opposition party say that the motion will not pass, as it will gather only 210 out of the 232 votes needed.

The votes are missing as 22 Social Democrats are either sick, or do not support party leader Mircea Geoana’s attempt to bring down the government, while others are out of the country.

Democrats are not too confident in the motion, as leaders do not wish to assume the government without a parliamentary majority.

Even Liberals are confident that the motion will not pass, as they promised Opposition leaders more budget allocations or other advantages.

Gandull informs that local authorities broke the environment authorization for the Danube Delta for dozens of Italian hunters.

Even if the hunting season opens on November 1, local authorities gave hunting permissions for September 14 and 15 when hundreds of birds were downed.

The Scottish daily Sunday Herald quoted the governor of the Danube Delta Administration, Paul Cononov saying that tens of thousands of birds were shot by Italian hunters who got 40 fake permits and 68 individual ones.

However, Cononov denies to have talked to Sunday Herald and says that in a few days, the maximum number of birds they could have killed is several hundreds.

Environment supervision head Nicolae Buhaciu says there were several groups caught hunting who presented 2 group authorizations and 14 individual ones that can be used several times.

Elsewhere in the papers today, Romania Libera reads about the Euro Health Consumer Index released by European officials today.

The annual index analyzes the health system in member states annually and classifies the states according to medical care consumers, patient rights and available information, the necessary time for a standard treatment, the health system’s results or its generosity in terms of availability of medicines.

Out of the 1000 maximum points, Romania scored 508, placing us on the 25th place out of 29, on par with Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania.

Experts setting up the report say that Romania’s score proves that the health system is not functioning properly. Romania is appreciated however, for the online medical dictionary for its citizens, which is still rare in European countries.

Moreover, the biggest problem in the Romanian health system is the black market and the bribes in the field.

Local authorities are urged to increase the salaries of the medical personnel in order to avoid bribes.