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What the newspapers say: October 3, 2007

The Parliament will open its debates on the motion to bring down the government, tabled by the main Opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD) against the Liberal (PNL) government.

Despite the critical moment, headlines cover mostly economic or economy-related issues, the situation of children left behind by Romanian immigrant workers being once again an issue, after a youngster committed suicide because he missed his mother too much.

Prime Minister Tariceanu and his ministers will find out today whether they leave the governmental palace or not, Jurnalul National notes. 232 votes are required in the Parliamentarian session on Wednesday in order to bring down the government.

„PSD wants ministries, PNL hesitates, Basescu despairs” is the headline in Cotidianul. According to the newspapers, negotiations were still taking place late last night. The final offer of the Social Democrats seems to be to drop the motion in exchange for seats in the Government.

The rumor is backed by the fact that some Democrats already announced they won’t vote in favor of the motion, although the Democrats’ help for PSD was crucial in passing the motion.

On the other hand, president Traian Basescu made some political statements on Tuesday, claiming that the only chances for a government to resist, in case the Tariceanu cabinet falls, is a Democrat + Liberal + Liberal Democrat cabinet or a national union government, Gandul reads.

Back to the everyday business, the state imposes new penalties that the populace was never warned about. „Fiscal terrorism” is the headline in Evenimentul Zilei, which announces that fines for not declaring the income grew over night to 500 – 14,000 RON (some 150 – 4,500 euros).

Fines increased ten times for not declaring royalties in less than two weeks after the contract is signed.

Another problem is the inflation, which could become once again a problem in 2008, Jurnalul National informs, quoting International Monetary Fund experts, who met Romanian officials between September 26 and October 2.

The main social subject in newspapers today is a 12-year old boy who committed suicide on Monday because his mother too much. The mother is working abroad, in Italy, in order to support her family.

„Although is benefits from the money Romanian immigrant workers send home, the State did nothing to offer protection and assistance to the kids left behind”, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

But it’s hard so stay home and be poor, when the offers abroad are so tempting. Arabs look for Romanian engineers, offering wages of at least 4,000 dollars per month. Income for engineers with experience in the oil extraction business who access management positions may reach one million dollars per year, Cotidianul informs.