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Parliamentarians to open debates on motion to bring down Govt.

Debates on the „1000 days of chaos. The end of the right-wing government” motion begun at 12:30 with a ten minutes break, although the Parliament’s session should have started at 12:00h. Most political leaders are present, including PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and some of the ministers.

Social Democrat (PSD) officials make contradictory statements at the entrance, some accepting that a protocol was agreed with the Democrats (PD), some saying that the main Opposition party is interested strictly in the motion and not in any alliances.

Update: Senate speaker Nicolae Vacaroiu admits that PSD and PD negotiated the forming of a national union government, representing all parliamentarian parties

Update: PM Tariceanu: „I have doubts about the true reasons behind the motion”. Tariceanu responded to most of the charges brought against the government, showing that most delays – i.e. in EU funds absorption, Justice; were caused by the need to form new institution and to adjust to the European regulations.

Update: After the first round of speeches, the positions seem clear in the Parliament. Liberals deny all accusations against the Government, showing that the Tariceanu cabinet, in fact, opened the door towards prosperity.

Democrats say they will support the motion, but note that the motion can’t refer to the first Tariceanu government, since the Democrats already quit the governing. PD reps say they left the alliance with the Liberals because the Liberals moved too far away from the basic principles they negotiated.

Social Democrats, of course, support their own motion and insist that Liberals push Romania towards bankruptcy.

Far-right Great Romania party will not support the motion, not because they support the government, but so that president Basescu wouldn’t profit from the move.