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What the newspapers say: October 4, 2007

As expected, all headlines on Thursday refer to the anti-government motion rejected yesterday by the Parliament. Although it seemed that the parties supporting the motion will gather the necessary majority, some of the votes didn’t come out as expected. Still, with 220 votes against the government, PM Tariceanu saw the future: lack of any support in the Parliament.

„Betrayed with Chewing gum” is the title in Evenimentul Zilei. Social Democrat (PSD) deputy Valeriu Zgonea unveiled the fact that the urn containing the votes turned out to contain chewing gum balls and even black balls covered in white paper, to confuse those who surveyed the vote.

PSD president Mircea Geoana blamed „the coward colleagues” immediately after the results were announced and some expect retaliation against the over 20 PSD MPs who voted against the motion.

„Geoan`, problems, dude?”, is the main title in Jurnalul National: „Goodbye, dreams of glory. Tariceanu made it alive. PSD now counts its balls and Geoana fears for his own balls”, the article comments without any subtlety.

„Iliescu betrayed Geoana to save Tariceanu”, Cotidianul reads, explaining that the group around the former Romania president, Ion Iliescu, was the one that made the difference during the vote yesterday.

The same idea returns in Gandul: „Tariceanu, saved by the PSD betrayers”: „Mircea Geoana threatens to attack the government once again, when the 2008 Budget Law is discussed”.

In other news:

Gandul: Animal production farms may receive up to one million euros as non-refundable European funds, in case projects are approved. The sum may even rise to 1.5 millions for those who use „green” energy.

Jurnalul National: 5,000 square meters in the Bordei park will host luxury villas. The Bucharest City Council voted yesterday to compensate the inheritor of the park, Costica Constanda, but his 3.3 hectares in the park will turn into 5,000 meters for construction and other 2.8 hectares in another central area in Bucharest.

Evenimentul Zilei: The percentage of Romanians who would like to work in the UK increased from 4% in 2006 to 18% in 2007, while the same percentage decreased in choosing Italy, Spain or Germany.