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What the newspapers say: October 10, 2007

One of the highest-ranking priests in Romania, Archbishop Pimen of Suceava and Radauti (Northern Moldova) is making most of the headlines on Wednesday, after the specialized institutions confirmed that he was a collaborator of the Communist political police, Securitate.

The new is taken so seriously it takes a lot of the space reserved for the Agriculture Minister, who was filmed while accepting a 15,000 euros bribe.

His Holiness Pimen Zainea, Archbishop of Suceava and Radauti, was involved in political police actions, CNSAS – the body studying the former political police, Securitate, archives – decided. Pimen was a Securitate collaborator ever since the ’70’s, then he worked for the Foreign intelligence Service.

Another high-ranked clergy member with the same CNSAS verdict is the Alba Bishop, Andrei Andreicut, who challenged the verdict, but failed to change it, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

The second major of the day is the trial of Ioan Avram Muresan, former Agriculture Minister, who will remain at large during the trial. According to Gandul and most other newspapers, Muresan was filmed and photographed while passing an envelope containing 15,000 euros from a businessman to the Agriculture Minister in office, Decebal Traian Remes.

The man who paid the bribe, businessman Gheorghe Ciorba, filed a complaint at the National Anti-Graft Prosecution Office (DNA).

„An expensive and corrupt country” – is the description made by „Stars and Stripes” for Romania, as quoted by Jurnalul National. The article evaluates the conditions US troops face in Romania and comes to the conclusion that they are quite unhappy with the corruption level of the country.

The article also mentions that Romania, according to Transparency International, is the most corrupt of the 30 states in the European Union. The fact is that EU includes only 27 states.

Speaking of the European Union, safeguarding clauses are about to be activated for Romania in the Agriculture field.

The European Commissioner for Agriculture, Mariann Fischer Boel, will lecture today an audit report on the Romanian Agriculture that unveils some major problems, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Romanian authorities expect to receive a letter about safeguarding clauses activation.