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Foreign minister Cioroianu: Romania will not ratify EU-Moldova Republic documents written in the ”Moldovan language”

Romania will not ratify documents signed between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova containing mentions in the „Moldovan language” because such a phrase would be used „on a purely political impulse”, Romanian Foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu has said.

His comments came as Romanian media criticized Romania’s signing two EU-Moldova deals that read they were also edited in the „Moldovan language.

Cioroianu said the two documents were signed by the European Commission and didn’t need the approval of member states so Romania didn’t have a say about the use of „Moldovan language”.

He added that authorities in the Republic of Moldova will most likely stick to their decision of pushing the use of the phrase, in which case Romania may be found in a position of rejecting any documents between the EU and the former Soviet republic.

Cioroianu quotes the Academy of the Republic of Moldova saying that the official language of the state is the Romanian language.

The „Moldovan language” is seen in Romania as a phrase coined by the Communist authorities in Chisinau in an attempt to push Romania and Moldova apart culturally. Most Moldovans use a specific form of Romanian language that can also be found in Romania’s eastern region of Moldavia.