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Adhesion to Schengen: Romanian Foreign Affairs minister invites French European Affairs minister in Romania for an evaluation of the real situation

Romania’s Foreign Affairs minister invites the French European Affairs minister, Laurent Wauquiez to conduct an official visit to Romania to get more information on the real situation here so that the ministry can prove that there is not real justification for his statements, a press release of the ministry reads.

The ministry is concerned with his statements that Romania and Bulgaria’s adhesion to Schengen would threaten EU’s security overall. The ministry underlines the EU’s security is a top priority for Romania, that is concerned to ensure it at the highest standards, just like any other member state.

The press release reminds readers that the report on the protection of personal information was adopted by all member states and the decision of the council was the legal basis on which Romania and Bulgaria were allowed to connect to SIS starting November 5, 2010. There were no problems registered in the two months since Romania connected to the system, which contradicts the statements of the French official.

Romania’s participation in the data exchange leads to the identification and arrest of several persons. Schengen evaluation missions in Romania were concluded with positive evaluation reports and reports prove that Romania is not a risk of illegal immigration.

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