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Bucharest Tribunal postponed for December 17 Sorin Ovidiu Vantu's trial / SOV left the hearing after he felt sick and demanded he would be urgently taken to the hospital

A new term in the trial involving businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu was set, in the file in which Vantu is indicted for helping Romanian fugitive Nicolae Popa flee a 15 year sentence in Romania. The new term was set for December 17. The businessman and media mogul left the courtroom accusing health problems and urged to be taken to the hospital urgently. Vantu’s lawyers requested a new delay for the trial but judges decided that the meeting can go on without Vantu in the court room. Plus, Vantu’s lawyers submitted medical papers attesting Vantu’s medical conditions. Finally, the trial was postponed for December 17.

Last Monday, the trial against Vantu was postponed for another week after the businessman’s lawyers said that they do not have enough time to read the whole file.