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Constructions' volume dropped 18.7% in four months

​The volume of construction works, adjusted according to the number of working days and to the season, dropped 18.7% in the first four months of 2010, in contrast to the same time last year, due to the reduction in residential and non-residential buildings, the National Statistics Institute (INS) shows on Tuesday, June 8.The April constructions’ volume dropped not only in contrast with March, but with the same month last year, too.

The first four months of the sear saw a decrease in the volume of constructions: after the adjustment made considering working days and season, it dropped 18.7% against the same time last year. The works on new buildings went down 29.2%; the chief repairs dropped 25.4%. There was a growth recorded in maintenance and current repairs, which went up 24.7%.

The construction of new residential buildings saw a 42.5% decrease and for non-residential buildings, constructions dropped 29.7%. Engineering works went 0.7% up.

In comparison with the same month last year, the adjusted volume of constructions dropped 0.9%. If one considers the type of works, April saw a 17.5% increase in engineering constructions, while residential and non-residential buildings recorded a drop in volume by 26% and 7.4%, respectively.

In contrast to April 2009, the adjusted volume of constructions dropped 15.1%, a minus that all types of buildings had to suffer in April this year.

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