EC institutes infringement procedure against Romania on energy product storage warehouses legislation
- Redactia Hotnews
The European Commission has instituted infringement proceedings against Romania over legislation saying that only warehouse keepers who are authorized to produce energy products and keep petrol refining capacities are allowed to use storage warehouses for energy products. In January, the National Union of Road Transporters in Romania (UNTRR) notified the Commission about an emergency ordinance issued by the government in 2010 which includes the new rules.
The EC sent a letter to the UNTRR on Thursday informing that it has already launched the procedure against Romania.
The procedure means that a member state is notified about a problem that the Commission identified to be in breach with European law and is demanded to deliver observations on the issue within a given time frame. Should there be no answe or should the answer be incomplete and the breach remains in place, the EC is issues a position establishing clearly the reasons for which the Commission considers that the member state is in breach with EU law, provides the necessary references and invites the member state to remedy the situation in a new given time frame. Should the problem persist, the Commission may notify the European Court of Justice.