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EUObserver: Romania hosted secret CIA flights, EP says

Romania and ten other countries will be shamed in a final report of the European Parliament commission investigating secret CIA flights in Europe, a report that is due to be published on Wednesday, reports.

Besides Romania, the report will also mention Britain, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Poland.

The source says the report will mention Germany as the host of most CIA flights- 336, followed by the UK and Ireland. The flights are thought to have carried prisoners to the Guantanamo base or to Uzbekistan illegally.

Claudio Fava, who will present the report tomorrow, is expected to say that Poland has hosted a temporary detention center for terrorism suspects near the Szymanow airport in NW of the country.

And the document would qualify Romania, Italy, Britain, Austria and Macedonia as uncooperative in the EP inquiry into the secret CIA flights.

mihai • 2011-05-25 18:28:43
este un pret destul de mare pentru legea 112
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pompi • 2011-05-26 08:55:56
Pretul real de vanzare in cartierele comuniste din Bucuresti (Militari, Berceni, Balta Alba, Dr. Taberei, etc.) este de 600 EUR / mp (in medie). Desigur, nu vorbesc despre Ferentari si Rahova... Concret: Militari, bloc de 10 etaje construit inainte de 1990, vedere in spatele blocului, la etaj 3, 55 mp utili, 2 camere semidecomandate, balcon, fara imbunatatiri, pretul platit este 35.000 EUR desi in anunt cerea 44.000 EUR. Pe cand un indice imobiliar real? Eu m-am saturat de asa-zisul indice imobiliar facut cu preturi de "anunt".
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x • 2012-06-01 07:54:28
comentariul anterior este greseala mea. sorry.
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