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EUobserver: Russian oligarchs control a big part of the metallurgic sector in Romania

Kremlin steadily extends its control over big businesses in Russia and most of them moved their activities to Eastern Europe. One of the most preferred destinations is Romania, EUobserver reads. The newspaper notes that the metallurgic sector in Romania is dominated by four companies from Russia and Ukraine.

The first oligarch is Ukrainian Serghey Taruta, close to the new pro-Russian Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovici. The second is Oleg Deripaska, one of the richest Russians, known to be close to Putin. The other two companies are managed by Russians, through companies registered in the West: Conares Trading, lead by Igor Zyuzin and Sinara Handel, registered in Germany and lead by a group of businessmen.

Zyuzin’s company controls 80% of the Romanian concrete factories. Currently, the metallurgic sector stagnates due to the crisis.