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European Commission gives green light to 4.2 billion fund for human resources projects

The European Commission has approved an operational programme addressing the development of human resources in Romania in 2007-2013, a press release of the Labor Ministry in Bucharest says.

The sectoral operational programme POS-DRU lets future beneficiaries access funds amounting to 4.25 billion euro for projects related to such issues as modernizing educational and professional training systems, the adaptibility of workers and enterprises, promoting active measures of employment and the social inclusion of vulnerable groups.

POS DRU is aimed at developing the human capital and boosting its competitiveness by more strongly relating education and lifelong learning to the labor market through funding opportunities to improve employment among some 1.65 million people.

Of the 4.25 billion euro available through POS DRU, 3.47 billion euro is the contribution of the European Social Fund, 613 million euro is the national contribution of Romania and 164 million come from private sources.

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