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Exit-poll: Emil Boc retains seat as Cluj mayor with 75% of votes in Romania local elections. Close fight in Iasi, Ciuhandu relected in Timisoara and Mazare in Constanta

Emil Boc has won the elections for Cluj mayor in the first round on Sunday, according to an INSOMAR exit-poll for Realitatea TV station, which says the Democratic-Liberal (PD-L) leader was voted by 75.6% of Cluj citizens. His rivals Attila Laszlo and Remus Lapusan received 8.2% and 5.3% respectively.

Alin Tise, also from PD-L, would become head of the Cluj County Council with 36% of the votes, according to the same exit-poll. He beat Liberal (PNL) Marius Nicoara who got 25.3%.

In the Eastern city of Iasi, Social Democrat (PSD) Gheorghe Nichita will face Liberal Democrat candidate Oprea in a second round for city mayor, with 42.8% and 42% respectively. Liberal candidate Cristian Adomnitei received 9% of the votes there.

In Timisoara, incumbent mayor Gheorghe Ciuhandu (Peasants Party-PNTCD) won the elections with 59.4%, according to the exit-poll. The local council of Timisoara is split by PNTCD (39.6%), PD-L (27.6%) and PSD (14.7%).

Also a first round winner is incumbent mayor Radu Mazare of Constanta, the Black Sea port, who won 62.8% of the votes according to the exit-poll. He was followed by Dorel Constantin Onaca (PD-L) with 11.3%. The Constanta local council will be dominated by PSD (54.8%), followed by PD-L (18.7%) and PNL (14.2%).

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