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Facebook to promote Romanian tourism, at the initative of the Tourism minister Elena Udrea

Tourism and Development ministry will collaborate with Facebook in a promotion campaign of Romanian destinations, Facebook Vice President Black Chandlee and Romanian Tourism and Development minister Elena Udrea announced on Tuesday. The campaign is in its first stages, of elaborating the new media communication strategy and costs have not been discussed, Udrea said. The efficiency of the communication campaign will be measured through the number of tourists in Romania.

The main points agreed between parties

  • to elaborate an integrated communication strategy on media/new media channels 
  • to stimulate the development of Romanian tourism programs by adopting new media instruments 
  • the organization on facebook of a session to train ministry employees and tourism representatives in Romania to use new media tools 
  • the organization of a common conference with all actors involved in the tourism industry to implement the new media strategy 

I want to compliment the ministry for this innovative approach, Black Chandlee declared. The strategy will be done by December and the first campaign will be implemented in March, Udrea said.

Chandlee said that Facebook had similar campaigns for Spain, Australia and several Asian countries.

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