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Far-right leader Tudor changes mind on leaving Romania Parliament

The leader of the far-right Greater Romania Party (PRM), Corneliu Vadim Tudor, announced on Tuesday he reconsidered his decision to withdraw from the Parliament, as announced on Sunday night. Tudor had made the announcement after exit polls at the first European elections that took place in Romania on Sunday showed his party failed to win enough votes in order to enter the European Parliament.

Vadim said he changed his mind and would no longer resign at the request of „many people” in Romania and abroad.

Vadim blamed the poor results of his party in the Sunday elections on the parties dominating the „Parliament of shame” in Bucharest. He also launched a fierce attack on US Ambassador to Romania, Nicholas Taubman, saying he would call for his expulsion from Romania.

The populist-nationalist Greater Romania Party used to be one of the strongest parties in Romania until not long ago and Tudor even reached the second round of presidential elections in 2000, only to be defeated by Ion Iliescu.

PRM provided a relative strong showing in the 2004 general elections and its provisional MEPs allowed for the creation of a group of the nationalists in the European Parliament after Romania joined the EU in January 2007. But its popularity has been decreasing rapidly. It only managed to win around 4% in the Sunday EP elections, below the 5% threshold needed to join the European Parliament.

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