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Finance minister Sebastian Vladescu: I agree to tax copyright contracts / Labour minister: employers need to pay social contributions to copyright contracts

Labor minister Mihai Seitan confirmed for that the government intends to compel employers to pay social contributions for copyright contracts as well. This is one of the solutions proposed for the pensions law project, which will be sent to the Parliament in the next 2-3 weeks, Seitan declared for

He added that the Labor ministry seriously discusses the idea to tax copyright contracts and he said that it will take a couple of months to pass or be amended in the Parliament. Following, he explained, implementation norms need to be settled. He added that it is not normal for people working with copyright contracts not to have pensions.

Finance minister Vladescu said that he agrees with the above mentioned issues and said that Romania needs to enter in normalcy. All those who have a revenue need to pay social insurance contribution.

Mediafax sources declared that the executive plans a unitary public pension scheme for lawyers, priests etc.