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Former Romanian President Ion Iliescu goes blogging
Ion Iliescu on Geoana’s footsteps
Foto: Rompres

Former Romanian President Ion Iliescu is the latest of Romanian politicians to have a blog, which can be accessed at The honorary president of the Social Democratic Party, the main opposition party in Romania, who also serves as Senator already posted three articles on his blog.

In his first post he says: ”I was Romania’s President, now I am a Senator and starting with November 12, 2007 I’m a blogger”.

Iliescu says that he decided to write a blog in order to communicate more freely. By Tuesday morning, there were no commentaries for his posts.

Former counselor, Traian Serbu confirmed for that the blog belongs to Iliescu and he writes his own materials.

/div>Iliescu is not the only Romanian politician to have a blog – Mircea Geoana, President of the Social Democratic Party, former Romanian PM Adrian Nastase and other opposition politicians hold blogs.

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